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The regatta team
Our regattas are a lot of fun with a lot of moving parts. A competition committee lead by the Chief Official drives the operations with a group of key officials to plan, prepare, set up, marshall, start, umpire, time, finish and score the races, manage the progressions to finals and presentations and finally pack up.
The key to success is working well with the paddlers, sweeps, coaches and team managers to ensure we can conduct as many races as the conditions permit and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have fun.
The regatta team is mostly volunteers and we're always looking to develop our workforce, so we invest in training and developing our team through induction, coaching, formal training programs and planned development and mentoring. To support people progress on the official pathway, we rotate people through different roles at regattas and throughout the regatta season.
Volunteers - the support officials
Volunteering can be a great way to be involved in Dragon Boating. Our regattas wouldn't run without volunteer support for the appointed officials to keep everything moving. So that you have a great time as you work to make the regatta happen, we'll feed and hydrate you and induct you so that you know all the aspects of your role.
- What's Involved in being a volunteer? Check our Volunteer Guide (Updated Oct 24)
- Register here to volunteer at a regatta
- Your welcomed and protected with Volunteer Membership.
Appointed officials
There are many quite specific requirements to run the races in a regatta, so we compile a team of officials that work cohesivley together to make it happen.
Stay tuned we'll be adding more information about progressing on the officials' pathway, courses you can do and linking to all the resources you need.