To have fun, it needs to be safe so that's how we set ourselves up

The PFDs we wear are a specific design that facilitates free movement while paddling. Capsizes are rare, but they can happen so a PFD will keep us floating without any exertion so we can sort the boat out and get paddling again.

Fit to paddle or adapt how you paddle

We Dragon Boat because it's a physical activity with varying intensity, from recreational through to competitive mode. As with any exercise we need to choose what's suitable for us. If you've got conditions you're managing, talk with your health professional, check your plans and adapt the way you paddle with a Paddlers Annual Health Check 

Your first Paddle!

Here's how we help you learn to Dragon Boat.

Follow the Sweep

Sweeps are experienced paddlers, trained and accredited to manage the safety of the boat with the crew. Before hitting the water they'll complete a safety briefing with the whole crew. Paddlers stay safe by following their directions and are aware of their role in the boat's safety. 

Capsize Drill

All competition paddlers complete a capsize drill so the team can recover their boat if they need to. Watch this video and prepare for your Capsize Drill.

Nature and the elements

Although a bit of rain won't stop us paddling, a thunderstorm will. 
There are range of conditions that effect our padding, this is how we work with Adverse weather.

Go solo in a TK1

Our TK1 outriggers are a great personal trainer, available at the hub and some regional locations. Here's how you get accredited.

Safety resources

Here's what our safety leaders utilise to keep paddling fun and safe. 

We have a Season Safety plan that covers the standard policies and procedures for the season in the most common form.  Season 2024-25 Regatta Safety and Event Management Plan V2 (Sep 2024)

Then for each event we hold, we have a Schedule to the plan which details the specifics of the event such as the timetable, emergency contacts, racing details and we specify any aspects where we will vary from the Standard for the season - This way our people can just check the schedule looking for what's different or specific at the event.
Here's a word version clubs can tailor for their events.
Sample Safety Management Event Management Schedule (Sep 2024)

For really large events we specifically review the AUSDBF Safety Handbook - It's based on best practice at World Championships