Information Regarding DBV Dual Membership

Published Fri 07 Feb 2025

In May 2024 DBV reviewed and published its updated DBV Bylaws.  However, it seems there is some confusion regarding the Dual Membership Bylaw.  Members, please note the following about this DBV Bylaw:

DBV Dual Membership:

a) DBV members can be registered with two clubs.

b) Members who are registered with two Victorian clubs are allowed to compete for either or both clubs at a regatta but cannot compete for both clubs in the same age category or event.

c) If a Dual Member wishes to compete with a third club an exemption will be required from DBV.

Clubs will decide if and how they wish to implement this bylaw, e.g. secondary membership joining fee; team selection of primary and secondary members.

This Bylaw is designed to enhance participation.  However, DBV is committed to fair play and has restricted this Bylaw to DUAL membership only.  If you feel you have a reason to join a third club, you must complete the form:  Request for Extension of Dual Membership and send to DBV.  This form can be found here.

Please note important information regarding AusDBF Rules V12.1 and Aus Champs

For AusDBF events athletes can only represent the club that they identify as their Primary Club (in revSPORT) and in which they mainly train and compete with.  First club listed in revSPORT is used to identify as primary club.

Breast cancer paddlers (BCP) may compete for both their BCP and non-BCP club during AusChamps provided the racing classes are scheduled on different racing days.

All cancer paddlers (ACP) may compete for both their ACP and non-ACP club during AusChamps provided the racing classes are scheduled on different racing days.