Social Media Responsibilities

Published Fri 13 Sep 2024

 AusDBF has a robust social media Policy that keeps it fun, fair and safe for eveyone online and these obligations apply to all members.  

a. Protect your personal privacy and that of others by not including personal information about you or others in your posts to our social media channels (for example, email addresses, private addresses or phone numbers)

b. Represent personal views and not impersonate or falsely represent any other person

c. Not be abusive and do not harass or threaten others

d. Not make defamatory or libellous comments

e. Not use insulting, provocative or hateful language

f. Not use obscene or offensive language

g. Not post material to our social media channels that infringes the intellectual property rights of others

h. Not post multiple versions of the same view to our social media channels or make excessive postings on an issue

i. Not promote commercial interests in your posts to our social media channels

j. Not include internet addresses or links to websites, or any email addresses in your post to us social media channels that may infringe in any of the above ways

k. Only post images and videos of children in accordance with the Child Safe Practices at Annexure B of the AusDBF Child Safeguarding Policy.

The policy includes reminding members of these obligations, so thanks for reviewing and let’s always ensure everyone has fun on social media.