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Cross Border Dragon Boat Championship
Fri 16 Apr 2021 08:30 — Sun 18 Apr 2021 14:00
Event information
This event has passed.
A world cup style event This event differs from usual regattas. The world cup style concept being trialled involves a team competing in both Mixed 20s and Open and Womens 10s crews across a range of distances:
NOTE* - by 31 December 2021
Preliminary timetable (TBC)
100 metre sprints - Mixed 20s; 200 metres - Open and Womens 10s (accumulated times)
I km turns race - Open and Womens 10s compete in the same race in separate boats e.g. Women’s boats start 30 seconds before Open crews. The time will start when the Women’s team starts and will stop when the second crew (Men or Women) has crossed the finish line.
500 metres - Mixed 20s Each day is divided into:
Number of teams in a category – ‘capped’ at:
‘Capping’ means those applying through the Expression of Interest process will be given first priority to participate. It also ensures the total number of paddlers attending the event at any one time is limited to easily comply with current COVID-19 restrictions on attendance at sporting events in Victoria. NOTE 1: Additional places may be available following the Expression of Interest process depending on the number of entries received. NOTE 2: If there are fewer entries than available in any categories, the program will be adjusted, where possible, to increase the number of races in that or other categories.
Crew composition
NOTE: It is recognised that there will be queries about the potential composition of teams in this category and individual paddler participation dependent upon whether this category is scheduled for the morning or afternoon sessions.
Cost per team
Minimum number of races based on maximum entries
Semi-finalists and finalists will race in up to four races in each distance. Race draw and lane allocation
Promotion of the sport
Additional Information
See special rates for Quest Albury - View here See Blazing Stump Motel rooms and facilities Here and brochure here. Rates: $151.00 Junior Suites, $156.00 Executive King Suites, $235.00 2 Bedroom Courtyard Apartments, $255.00 2 Bedroom Executive Spa Apartments
Dates and deadlines